Sunday, November 4, 2012

My kid is driving me crazy!

She has been pretending to be a baby lately. Literally. She wants us to swaddle her, hold her cup and feed her like it's a bottle, plus she's whining, crying, and crawling. I know she just wants our attention, but this is a bit much. I know pretending is a way they learn and use their imaginations and interact with the world, but this is a bit much.

Steve and I are trying to train her to realize that the world doesn't revolve around her. At this moment, this is what I'm getting, "Mom! I wanted a raw cookie!" Stomping over the computer where I'm attempting to blog. Disgusted look in her face. Sinking to the floor in anguish. Crawling to the fridge to get them out. Clearly I suck.

Eating a raw cookie. All is right with the world. I made her get them herself. I refused to move from the chair. Does that make me a bad Mom?! God this shit is hard!!

Anyhoo, she can't stand it if Steve and I have a conversation. She hates it if I walk away for a minute. She wants to be on top of me every second. I've had enough. I can't take it. I need to be able to leave my kid alone for 2 minutes to pee. I also can't stand the whining. Good Lord! I usually don't respond until she straightens up. I have to tell her to stop whining and crying and talk like a big girl and then I'll listen. But I do this about 100 times a day. It's exhausting!! Is this normal?! Or do I really suck?!

Is it because she's an only child? Is it because we're doing something wrong?

She can be Re.Lent.Less. I mean, this kid can go. She has the perseverance of Joan of Arc. (She was the woman who allowed herself to burn at the stake, right?! I mean, who has that kind of stick-to-it-iveness?! That Joan lady did and my daughter does!)

Sometimes I can't wait to get back to work. And that's saying something! Can anyone relate? Please tell me I'm not alone!

1 comment:

  1. I totally want to follow your blog! You are a GREAT mom... Morgan does the same types of things... Sometimes I think being an only child is hard because there is no one else to occupy them when we are busy! I struggle with it all the time!!
