Tuesday, August 7, 2012

A frustrating start to the day

Ryan is in Time Out as I type. If you read yesterday's blog, then you know Ryan has been peeing and pooing wherever she feels like it for the past two days. Why, you may ask? Because she's trying to get my attention.

We've been home quite a bit this summer, just the two of us. Plus Ryan is an only child. She is used to getting a lot of attention from me and she likes it. The problem is, I reach my limits with giving her all of my time and attention. I have spent the summer trying to wean her off of needing the constant attention from me and for the most part, it's gone really well. Until the past two days.

What to do?! First, I need to stop being terrified that if I reprimand her for not using the potty, she will  regress and never use the toilet properly. I am being too "nice" out of fear. Doing something out of fear is never good! Secondly, I need to be CRAZY consistent about not giving her the attention she's seeking. For example, since I don't yell at her or give her consequences because I'm afraid of "ruining" her, I am teaching her that she can take a dump on the deck and get my attention and not face any consequences. That has got to stop. Finally, I need to put it on her and give her choices.

Before you think I'm a genius, realize that all of these ah-ha moments came from me and my older sister, Lora. She was on the phone with me when Ryan pooped on the bathroom floor this morning, despite the fact that she had been on the potty two seconds before! Lora heard me being calm and patient, and also heard me not giving her a consequence. She talked me through it and helped me understand where I'm going wrong.

If you have any other advice, or similar stories, share! Moms need to support moms and we need to learn from each other. Remember, my blog is also about no judgements. Maybe your kid has never crapped on the deck, but I am betting he/she has done something else equally nasty. So let's all admit that our kids struggle, we struggle, and it's all a part of growing together.

Thank you, Big Seester for your help! Love you :) Lynny

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