I've shaken off the melancholy -- so easy to do on a Saturday morning when my daughter is shaking her groove thing to the Wii with Cyndi Lauper's "Girls Just Wanna Have" fun, I've been to the gym and raised my endorphin levels, and most importantly, I haven't had to go to work and deal with stupid people :)
Thank you to everyone who messaged me, commented, or liked the last blog. It truly lifted my spirits and made me feel better! I haven't been on Facebook long, but I have yet to discover what is so evil about it; so far I've been better about keeping in touch and I've gotten support from people I really like. Don't know why I waited so long to try it. (Oh, yeah, right, it's because I was terrified every person I can't stand would know the intimate details of my life. If that's happening I don't know about it. Ignorance is bliss!)
The nightly humongous glasses of wine helped, as did the two Bud Light Lime-A-Ritas I tried last night. Yummy :) This paragraph is a quick pitch to advertise that delicious new concoction. I just "liked" it so you can click on the link from my page and see the shiny, silvery can of goodness and know what you're looking for at Wegmans. No thanks needed :)
Anyway, here's my list of things that made me laugh this week. In no particular order:
1. "Mom, I've got a situation." I reply, very concerned, "What is it, honey?" She says, "Daddy's a ghost!" Whew! For a minute there I was really worried!!
2. This is worth a Google -- ESPN's Friday Funnies -- I laughed so hard my gut ached. During a college football game in a clinch play, the referee plowed over the coach in his way. I don't know why, but watching the old guy go down again and again was hilarious! Love ESPN for replaying it several times so I could drag out my twisted enjoyment of others' pain :)
3. Thanks to the guy at the gym who made me laugh like an 8th grade boy because he farted while on the elliptical. Even now, as I type, I'm giggling.... I know, I know, but I can't help it. When someone parts your hair so to speak it's funny! As long as you're not directly downwind :)
4. And finally, my favorite. Saved the best for last. True story. Thanks Matt Lindstrom for this week's heartiest belly laugh. He told me the story of a friend of his. We'll call him Daddy because I don't know his name. His two sons, Frank and Furter, (clearly I don't know their names, either!) go to the bathroom at a restaurant and emerge arguing. Typical boys. The older one, Frank, was picking on Furter because he had dried his hands on his shirt and left wet hand prints. Furter whined to Daddy, "He's making fun of me because he says the hand prints look funny." Daddy says, "Well, they kinda do look funny." Furter looks at Frank, looks at Daddy, looks back at Frank, and back at Daddy, and says, "Fuck you both." (Brief pause while I laugh once again...) After he drags the delinquent children to the car and explains to his wife why it was indeed their children disrupting the entire restaurant, he tells the wife that Furter insists he heard it from the babysitter, a 60+, kindly, blue-hair who most likely did not spew the f-bomb at daycare, but nonetheless, the next day, Daddy calls blue-hair and shares the story. She indeed says, "Oh no, it wasn't me!" But when Daddy persists by saying, "Well, he said you were driving down the road, on your phone, and he heard you tell someone 'Fuck you, both!'" Ohhh, well, then, "Oh, yeah, that was me. Whoops." Nice :)
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